TK-02s nationwide are getting even better (again). On Monday, November 11th, TK-02 customers can update their Terra Kaffe app to the latest version, unlocking new features made possible by firmware version 32. Firmware v32 will begin deploying to machines on Monday as well.
As a reminder, due to cloud limitations, your TK-02 may not update with the latest firmware immediately. Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive v32.
We’re so excited to go over all the new features you can expect on your TK-02, but first…
A shout out to our incredible community
We never take guesses when it comes to making products that elevate our coffee routines. It’s because of your conversations with our Coffee Concierge team that we can turn feedback into features. But it doesn’t end there — your feedback has also helped us fix bugs and make TK-02 better for everyone. On one recent occasion, we had the privilege of working with Jordon, a fellow TK-02 owner who was having some trouble syncing the settings between his TK App and TK-02. Jordon, a data engineer himself, worked with our team to discover the issue’s root causes. As a result, we identified a bug that could have otherwise impacted other TK-02s. This next update prevents that bug from ever affecting your machine. Thanks, Jordon!
We also want to give a huge shout out to our beta testers, who received the v32 update about two weeks ago. These diligent brewers and TK superfans reviewed all the new firmware detailed below to ensure it was in perfect working order before we deployed it to the larger TK-02 network. Thanks for all your help!
A whole new way to create custom drinks
Espresso profiles are a great way to add nuance to each drink and provide a way to change the way you brew depending on your changing tastes. TK-02 owners told us they love changing brewing parameters but wished there was an easy way to assign different profiles to different drinks. Now, you can.
With this new update, you’ll have the option to assign a specific espresso profile to individual drinks. So, if you like your lattes made with a ristretto profile but prefer a lungo shot for cappuccinos, you can assign those respective profiles from the custom drink maker. All current drinks in your menu will default to the “TK Starter” espresso profile. You can always change your espresso profile assignments in Drink Settings.
Please note that while the TK App update provides this new layout on November 11th, it won’t be functional until version 32 of the firmware is installed on your machine.
WATCH: How to make a custom drink.

Bigger drip coffee!
We heard you loud and clear, and we’ve now expanded the water volume for custom drip coffee drinks. You can now create and save recipes that use up to 455mL (15.4oz) of water for an even larger cup of coffee. As always, you can mix and match the ratios to suit your taste preferences precisely.
Low beans alert beta!
This is one of our most requested features. TK-02 will now alert you when your machine is running low on beans. TK-02 owners have asked for more intuitive and insightful notifications from their machines, and now, your TK-02 will let you know when it is time to refill. You can also enable push notifications to be alerted from the TK App.
After the update, you’ll need to calibrate your hopper’s scale, so it always knows when your bean level is running low. Here’s how:
- Start by continuing to make drinks until your hopper is completely empty. Once your hopper is empty, move on to step 2.
- On your machine, navigate to Menu > Settings > Advanced Settings > Low Beans Beta
- Switch Low Beans Detection to “On”
- Keep the alert level at the default value for now (high)
- Press “Set Hopper Empty” to calibrate the machine to an empty hopper
- Add a standard 12 oz bag of coffee beans to your hopper
- Low beans has now been configured properly
- If you find that there are too many beans in your hopper when the low beans alert triggers, try lowering the trigger level by one step
Your machine will prompt you for feedback after this setting is enabled. Simply let TK-02 know how accurate its sensor reading was to help it adjust.
Note that, while we have spent countless hours testing this new feature, it is still in its beta phase. Users might discover a misfiring of the alert before the bean level is adequately low, so we encourage you to try different sensitivity settings. Your feedback will help us dial in this alert to make it even better with time and further live testing.

Milk Beta v2
Thanks to a lot of great feedback since our last update, we’ve tweaked the Hot Milk Beta to apply only to hot milk. In v1, hot and frothed milk received the new heating parameters. Some users let us know that frothed milk sputtered a little too much, so we’ve dialed back some of the heating protocols. Now, if you toggle the Milk Beta Opt-In from your Machine Settings, only hot milk (frothing dial in the down position) will experience an extra boost to temperature.
That sums it up for this round of updates — we can’t wait to hear what you think and what you’d love to see next!